City Sends Guidelines to Employees on COVID-19

City Manager Jonathan Storage sent a memo to all City employees today detailing the proactive steps the City of Charleston is making to combat COVID-19. While there have been no confirmed cases in West Virginia to date, the Goodwin Administration is implementing measures to protect the health of City workers.

“The health and safety of City staff is critically important, and our residents will continue to depend on us to provide essential services,” said City Manager Jonathan Storage. “The Administration has been tracking the spread of the Coronavirus throughout the country. City officials have been in constant communication with county, state and federal health officials to receive the latest updates and recommendations as we all work together to address this novel pathogen.”

Within the memo, Storage detailed the symptoms of COVID-19 and what to do if you are sick. CDC recommendations on good hygiene were also detailed including frequent handwashing and/or hand sanitizing and limiting face touching, including the eyes, mouth, and nose.

The document detailed updated meeting procedures and social distancing which includes refraining from handshaking and other person-to-person contact. Employees are being asked to schedule meetings by conference call or other electronic means if possible. The City has also suspended all new, non-essential, out-of-state travel.

Department heads and supervisors will also make available appropriate hygienic supplies in each office, such as soap, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes and tissues when commercially available. Employees are asked to routinely wipe down frequently used surfaces within their offices or workstations.