Mayor Goodwin established its first Charleston Youth Council in September 2019. The Charleston Youth Council will provide an invaluable opportunity for youth to develop confidence and leadership skills, in addition to promoting their understanding of city and local government and how it impacts their lives. The creation of the Charleston Youth Council will allow for youth to have a seat at the table and their voices heard. It will also provide an opportunity for Charleston City Council to hear ideas on how to create a more vibrant Capital City directly from local youth.
"Our administration wants young people at the table with us when we are making decisions that impact their future,” said Mayor Amy Shuler Goodwin. “The work of the Charleston Youth Council will concentrate on cultivating robust youth-focused programming throughout all areas of our city. In addition, members will earn community service hours and acquire valuable leadership skills”
Additional Information and Criteria
The Charleston Youth Council shall consist of up to 13 members and a minimum of 7 who shall be selected by a committee consisting of the Mayor and 6 members of Charleston City Council who will be designated by the Mayor.
A. Residency
Charleston Youth Council members must:
- live within Charleston City limits or attend school within Charleston City limits (during the application period)
- be in grades 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 during the application period.
B. Application Process
Interested candidates must complete and submit all components of the application, available online: /. From these applicants, a committee consisting of the Mayor and 6 members of Charleston City Council will select up to 13 members and a minimum of 7.
C. Compensation
Charleston Youth Council members shall serve without compensation may be credited with volunteer hours for all time spent serving on the Youth Council.
A. Members shall be appointed for one-term and serve no more than two consecutive terms. Each term will run from January 1 - December 31.
B. In the event of a vacancy on the Charleston Youth Council, a new member shall be appointed within 30 days by the Mayor, in consultation with the 6 members of City Council. The new member shall serve the balance of the unexpired term.
Each Charleston Youth Council member shall attend and complete a training program hosted by the Clerk’s Office before his or her first official meeting
The Charleston Youth Council shall meet once each calendar quarter at a regularly scheduled time and place. More frequent meetings of the Charleston Youth Council may be scheduled should they be needed to carry out business.
The Charleston Youth Council will:
- At the end of each term, draft written recommendations to the Mayor to improve the relationships between the City of Charleston and its youth.
- Observe no less than 6 Charleston City Council meetings.
- Engage in no less than 20 hours of community service hours as assigned by the City of Charleston.
- Not act on any matter in which he/she/they has a conflict of interest.

Contact Information
Miles C. Cary II or Nikki Smith
City Clerk’s Office