For holiday season and beyond

City leaders in Charleston are working to promote businesses in Charleston for holiday shoppers and beyond the Christmas season. Charleston Mayor Danny Jones and City Councilwoman Keeley Steele held a news conference today to promote the new “Buy Charleston” campaign that is showing up in store windows and social media, on radio and television.

“On-line shopping is having a significant impact on the future of retail stores in Charleston and across the country, and the best way to keep retail businesses in Charleston is to shop locally and buy from retailers doing business in our city,” said Charleston Mayor Danny Jones. “To keep locally owned businesses and national chains open and operating in Charleston, I hope people will consider our local vendors and shop in our stores here.”

Mayor Jones is appearing “Buy Charleston” ads that have started on radio today and will begin on television next week. City council approved funding for the media campaign at its last meeting.

In conjunction with that advertising campaign, Councilwoman Steele has been developing a coordinated Buy Local effort through locally-owned retailers and restaurants, via social media and logos in storefronts. She owns several businesses locally and works closely with Charleston artist community as well.

“Anything we can do to help our business owners and encourage local patronage is a great thing,” said Councilwoman Steele. “More dollars stay here when you spend here. In addition, our independents and shop keepers can lead to a strong future in tourism and stopovers from people passing through and discovering all that Charleston has to offer.”

She called attention to a stocking/gift giveaway promotion that includes several locally-owned retailers:

Other organizations are also trying to promote supporting retailers and restaurants in sections of the city. Charleston Main Streets has initiated “SpreeWV,” a shop local promotion with 100 businesses on the West Side and East End.

While the media ad campaign and related efforts are targeted during the holiday shopping season, Mayor Jones noted the importance of supporting businesses in Charleston throughout the year.

“We want people operating businesses in Charleston to succeed well beyond the Christmas shopping season as well,” he concluded. “I’m grateful for all of the efforts to strengthen our local economy by supporting the people and companies that are investing in Charleston.”