(Charleston, W. Va.) – The Mayor’s Office of Economic and Community Development (MOECD) encourages non-profit agencies, community organizations, educational institutions and civic groups that serve low- to moderate-income individuals to apply for Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for 2025-26. The application is available online and is due by 4 p.m. on Friday, January 31, 2025.
MOECD will host an application workshop for the 2025-26 CDBG application December 18 at 1 p.m. at the City Service Center Conference Room, 915 Quarrier St, Charleston, WV 25301. The workshop will cover requirements for funding, eligible activities, and a thorough discussion of the application process. While this training is not mandatory, attendance is strongly encouraged for organizations planning to submit a CDBG application – especially organizations that have not applied or been funded previously.
Eligible activities must meet one or more of the three HUD objectives:
• benefiting low- and moderate-income persons
• preventing or eliminating slums or blight
• meeting urgent needs
For more information about CDBG funding and eligible activities, see https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/cdbg-entitlement/cdbg-entitlement-program-eligibility-requirements.
Questions regarding the CDBG funding or the application process can be directed to Paige Hill at 304.348.8035 or paige.hill@cityofcharleston.org.