Coordinated Addiction Response Effort (CARE)

Taryn Wherry, Director
1420 Kanawha Blvd, W
Charleston, WV 25387
(304) 881-1686



Connecting Individuals to services, treatment and  other  opportunities that best meet their needs.

Services Offered:

  • Overdose response and follow ups
  • Mental health crisis response and follow-ups
  • Outreach to unsheltered and vulnerable individuals
  • Connection to appropriate services/treatment
  1. SUD Treatment Options
  2. Mental Health follow - up  and treatment options
  3. Family Reunification
  4. Housing Services
  5. Narcan Training/Distribution
  6. Birth Certificate, social security card,ID retrievals, emergency insurance
  7. Transportation to Services

 Homeless Outreach Coordinator

 Kevin Johnson - (304) 881-1486

 Mental Health Coordinator

 Tia Gravely - (304) 531-5372

 Community Outreach Coordinator & PRSS

 Jordan Dennison - (304) 532 - 8550

 Quick Response Team Coordinator

 Danni Dineen - (304) 962 - 6103

 CARE Team Director

 Taryn Wherry - (304) 881 - 1686